Assignment # 3: BUt Rob, My hand is too cramped to Paint!!

For my Shield I wanted to make it A mix of ornate and functional. the theme I wanted to go for was a shield that was used by Royalty. the brushes I used to create this theme was a coat of Arms set and a Fleur de Lis set,  a blood set, and two different sets of cracks, one for the metal and one for wood, all of which came form deviantart. I designed the shield to make it look like it was built on a wooden frame, and then the metal set on top of the wooden frame. The wood was from a texture I made earlier this week, with a darker burgundy color with a low opacity brush painted on top to make it look like a dark wood like Mahogany. The metal I painted with yellow and gray to give it the gold and steel/silver look, and added darker values to give shadows and depth. The gold accents I used a bright yellow with a darker, mustard yellow for shadows, and for the steel and silver I used varying amounts of gray.  On the back of the shield is a Coat of arms which would be shown for decorative purposes, but the front is where all the wear and tear is. the wood has blood stains on it, the wood is cracked where an arrow would have pierced it, the cracks in the metal would be where swords (or other shields) have clashed against it.

Shield render_01 Shield render_0298843

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