Case Study 3_If it’s good for Blizzard, it’s good for me.

Question#1:  What was the most impressive or surprising thing you saw in their design process and why?

I found it impressive and surprising that it was possible to overlay renders under different types of lights, Such as Rim, fill, key, and environment. I also liked how they were able to change the range for each type of light without separating the layers.

Question#2:  As an artist, what would be something that you can take from this video and add it to your design process and why ?

I would take the part where they showed where the background, Leah, and Azmadan where shown to be multiple renders that were  layered on top of each other. I would also take the camera rig, where it computerized someone’s face, but it was unclear on how it was done . I also like to take away the part where they pictures every possible facial expression they can as reference. Artist may sometimes search for environment shot and other types of textures on the internet, but I can see it’s better to take your own references.

Question#3:  What was something that you didn’t understand or don’t think would help you in your ways as an artist and why?  Make an example.

I didn’t understand how the camera rig was done. The designer who was explaining it wasn’t speaking clearly enough. i didin’t understand how they how rendered a 3d model from a 2d picture, but I think I misunderstood them.

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