Case study 3 – obligatory title mentioning blizzard

Question#1:  What was the most impressive or suprising thing you saw in their design process and why?

I thought the most impressive thing was the cutscenes– in particular, the part with all the creature dudes (I don’t know anything about Diablo sorry) walking in a vast plain with a huge erupting volcano around it. I was also impressed by the character animations, like the way the fat on their body moved, and the way their mouth moved, and just how well-done it looked fully rendered.

Question#2:  As an artist, what would be something that you can take from this video and add it to your design process and why ?
They take a lot of “reference from real life”. It is very important to get inspiration from other sources, otherwise, your creations will be boring and uninspired.

Question#3:  What was something that you didn’t understand or don’t think would help you in your ways as an artist and why?  Make an example.
I don’t understand how they create that stuff, it all looks overly complicated and it blows my mind that someone could create something like that. It’s amazing and I wonder if I could ever be on their level. I wish I could watch over the shoulder of the people who do this stuff for al iving and watch the process start to finish.

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