Case study #3 If its good for blizzard its good for me.

What was the most impressive or surprising thing you saw in the design process and why?  I have actually seen this movie clip in modeling 2 and we were required to write what we have learned from this.  I would say the most impressive thing to me is how much reference that is put into making the animations and textures for the characters.  I believe that it reinforced how important it is to observe real life examples of what you are trying to model.  When you try to model from memory or texture you often fall short because we often forget things that we have seen.

As an artist, what is something that you can take from this video and add it to your design process and why?  When I watch this video the one thing that I take from this is the importance of planning by the use of sketches and story boarding.  I remember in my modeling 1 class I had no idea how to texture and I did not get as many references as I should have to make the materials look realistic.  I know now how important it is to have an idea of what your style is going to be and what you want to capture in your textures.  I would like to learn z brushing because it seems to aid in the process of getting much realistic textures.

What was something you didn’t understand or don’t think would help you in your ways as an artist and why?  Make an example.  I really can’t say that anything in the design process of the cinematic trailer would not benefit me because it all should be explored with.  If you have a closed mind and not grow on the design process you will be limited as an artist in my opinion.

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