Case Study#2: Do you have any references? (David Schlotterbeck)


Artist’s Name: caponeart (could not find full name)

Their blog URL:

Company(ies) worked for:  Epic games, Triumph Studios, Volition, Inc., Microsoft, Halcyon Games, and Grin

Games Worked on:Kinectimals, Unreal3, Gears of War, Overlord, Saints Row, and Terminator Salvation.

Role for said Games: Texture Artist

Question 1: What I like about his style is the more light-hearted his work is, the brighter his colors get. They mask some mistakes he may have made while giving his work the appearance of fine detail. His “darker” works are a little bland, but the texturing is on point. The textures themselves are a little off, but their placements are well done.

Question 2: I find that if I give my work a little shine, it can look good while giving everything a more light-hearted feeling. For the time being, at least until my abilities in texturing improve, I think that aspect of his work will add onto mine. Just a little something to help define my style.

2 responses to “Case Study#2: Do you have any references? (David Schlotterbeck)

  1. I’d definitely agree with you in saying that darker scenes aren’t his strong point. I like the look of that doctor’s mask though. It kind of reminds me of Bioshock or Dishonored. And it looks like you might be able to get some inspiration for your steampunk dumpster from some of his work.

  2. I agree when you say his dark work is a bit bland but his colorful bright work is truly a sight for the eyes. It feels better to look at than cringing a bit at his bland work.

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