Case Study 2: References

Artist: Masahiro Ito

Their blog URL: or

Company(ies) worked for: KONAMI

Games Worked on: The original Silent Hill games (the ones by Team Silent)

Role for said Games: Art director, creature designer, background designer, etc etc

Images of some of their texture work

Question#1: What about their style is exciting or inspirational to you?

I love the grungy dirty creepy look to all of his work. Silent Hill had some very unique art and I feel like it captures the horror genre perfectly.

Question#2: What did you take away from this person that you can use to help yourself?  Was it a texturing technique, a piece of advice, or something from their art style?

I always admired the rusty look so in some of my artworks I have attempted to emulate the look of the textures he uses in his work. (Like using fringe+multiply in SAI to get a rusty dirty look.)

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