Case Study 1: Your face is a UV


Question#1:  What was their method of unwrapping?  What steps were taken and why?  The method that was used in the video was from the Maya software.  The demonstrator used the cut tool to cut around a section in order to separate the hand.  The reason why it was done this way is because he was unwrapping a hand and wanted to separate the fingers from the palm in order to apply texture.

Question#2:  From what you saw in their tutorial, was there anything from their technique that you found interesting or unusual?  Why?  In the tutorial it seemed so much easier to unwrap the image by selecting the edges in order to cut away the desired section.  The automatic mapping feature that was used at the beginning was not useful because of too many complex shapes to texture.

Question#3:  Knowing what you know now, and seeing others working on the same material you are, what are your expectations or feelings on the matters of unwrapping?  I can say that just seeing that technique makes me feel a little better about finding different ways of unwrapping maps in order to texture.

One response to “Case Study 1: Your face is a UV

  1. I like the idea of mapping each part individually instead of the entire object as a whole. It seems like a good way to keep everything organized and simple.

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