Case Study#1 Unwrapping (David Schlotterbeck)


Question#1: What was their method of unwrapping? What steps were taken and why? They explained some basics like flattening face selection and map unfolding. These steps were done to show some basic commands since the video was an introduction.

Question#2: From what you saw in their tutorial, was there anything from their technique that you found interesting or unusual? Why? I found map unfolding unusual. I see it taking pieces from the flattening phase and putting them back together into bigger pieces. I remember some texture laying from modeling 1 and how it was used in unwrapping but i don’t see how it can be imitated here.

Question#3: Knowing what you know now, and seeing others working on the same material you are, what are your expectations or feelings on the matters of unwrapping? I am ready to get started on unwrapping because i see it as an easy way to places textures on an object without repeating patterns.

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