Dumpster Project



DumpsterDiffuse DumpsterNormal1 DumpsterSpecular

AO Map





I’m not entirely sure if we were supposed to post our projects on the blog or not, Rubric said to, but I haven’t seen any post, other than one, about it. Off the bat, I kind of had this feeling that I wasn’t really going to care for this project, and I ended being right. It’s the whole dumpster thing, not really my cup of tea so to speak. But I rolled with it anyways.

I unwrapped the model and clustered the shells in an order that made sense to me, and when I look back at how I laid my shells out it still makes sense to me, and I can tell what pieces are out according to the model.

As far as texturing went I decided to go with a rather plain diffuse, and a mixed style between Team Fortress 2 and  block painting. I chose to do this style of painting because I felt that it would help simulate that weird slime that I always come across on dumpsters. I skipped out on posting the opacity map as it’s all white, I didn’t want anything to be hidden.  Spec level and color I rolled with the same map. And then I had an idea with the normal mapping. I was hoping to get the impression that maybe some little kid had a field day and throw a firecracker or M80 or something in the bottom of the bin when it was empty and it had some effects on the dumpster. I hope it feels the same way to others as it does to me. So instead of indenting the dumpster like I was originally planning, I blew it out in place. My AO mapping I wanted highlights on the side because I had my render shot planned out already.

And the final product is what you see.

Rubric said to render out a wire-frame but I didn’t see the point in doing so as Rob modeled it.

Kody Sokalski

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