Case Study#7: Where are you at now?


-URL: first and foremost, <- and places like these derived from google.



Instead of picking just one site to run on about, I thought it through, and figured that with the plethora of sites that I have visited throughout the time of this course I decided that it would just feel better to go over why I chose to do this post the way I intend to.

We have covered a great deal of information in this class, even if we just happened to dip our toes into the water and get a glimpse of what is to come. Looking back at everything we did from in class assignments to the projects and previous case studies, the sites that I came across on the internet and looked into on the topics that we have studied have been vast. It’s safe to say that my bookmark count easily doubled if not doubled in the last 9 weeks. More than likely just from additional photoshop tutorials and guides to texturing, as well as a few sites that I came across that contain good size galleries of high resolution photos that can be used for references as well as texturing purposes.

I would just like to say that whenever in question, or stuck in a tight spot google has always led me to a great starting spot and beyond. Whenever I can’t remember something exactly and my notes let me down, I turn to google, and I’ve always managed to come out on the other side. So, instead of just picking one site and going on and on about it, I decided to go with a search engine that contains it all.

Kody Sokalski

One response to “Case Study#7: Where are you at now?

  1. Makes sense, can’t choose one thing, choose everything. Really though, Google provides more then enough for any upcoming artist, especially how you mention upping your bookmark count. Mine has also increased in size by just stumbling onto sites with worthwhile information and texture references.

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