Case Study#5: Ao’s, Normal’s and Cavity’s….oh my!

Normal Map URL’s;

Ambient Occlusion Map URL’s;

Cavity Map URL;



Question#1:  Where in the design process does this technique belong?  Why?

All of these techniques should be used in the design process, in order to help define the model without contributing to a higher poly count, although these techniques should still be used on higher poly count models as well. Normal maps give the illusion that the model has fine surface detail when it’s not in the model itself, this is done through what I conclude as dynamic lighting effects.

Ambient occlusion is used to help reinforce and highlight features that are on the surface of the model, and texture. We know this technique as baking-in the light to the model.

Cavity maps in contrast, from what I gathered, it takes the portions of the model that is hidden from light and applies more darker tones to assist them in being less evident to in-game lighting.

All of these techniques and maps help to improve the model, or texture in one way or another, without adding to the poly count of the model.

Question#2:  All of these techniques will work with one another, of the three, which one is the most beneficial to the artist?  Why?

I feel that this question is rather unfair. Reason being, I feel that all of these techniques are beneficial, and even more so when all three are used together. It’s like having the three musketeers and taking one of them away, when was the last time you heard of the two musketeers? Sure, there are the two amigos, or even the lone wolf, but the point I am trying to make is that when you have 3 techniques that work so well together and are all beneficial it’s difficult to make a call on which is the MOST beneficial. But if I had to make a choice, I would go with the normal mapping as it can had increased detail to the surface of the model with adding more poly’s to the count, which is in turn less strain on the engine.

Question#3:  According to the article(s), how have these techniques improved the quality of work for the artists?

These techniques do a multitude of different improvements for the artists. The main one that hits home for especially is the simplification in the work flow. Normal mapping cuts out having to actually model some more elaborate details that might appear on a model, for example. With that comes less poly’s which mean less strain within the engine. Then there is AO maps that can cut down on the lighting which again saves more stress on the engine’s part. The combination of the usage of these maps also creates more realistic textures and models, in comparison to just using nothing more than a diffuse map.

Kody Sokalski

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