Case Study#5: Ao’s, Normal’s and Cavity’s….oh my!

Normal/AO Maps:


Cavity Map:


Question#1:  Where in the design process does this technique belong?  Why?


I think that the technique of each map comes into play throughout the entire design process. When coming up with an idea, to the follow through of creating an image/model. These maps interplay with one another, and help enhance certain features much further then without their use.

These maps can really pronounce a piece, and help creates levels of dimension, while both keeping the poly count manageable, and still provide incredible distinction between areas.


Question#2:  All of these techniques will work with one another, of the three, which one is the most beneficial to the artist?  Why?

I believe it really depends on what the artist is trying to accomplish. While each map/technique, emphasizes certain areas, it comes down to where the modeler/artist wants to end up. Although if I had to choose one, it would probably lie with normal mapping. Especially because this technique helps apply a lot of detail not possibly with a low poly count.


Question#3:  According to the article(s), how have these techniques improved the quality of work for the artists?


Immensely. I think that the way each artists uses these techniques really furthers their art. They are able to emphasize and iterate much finer details into the pieces they create. The level of detail is increased exponentially, but it really comes down to the artist to be able to apply how these techniques are applied. So in one way that they do not become overwhelming, and unrealistic(depending on the design they are shooting for), but also apply detail to areas where it may not of been possible without too much expensive time spent.

2 responses to “Case Study#5: Ao’s, Normal’s and Cavity’s….oh my!

  1. I have to agree with your second point on the fact that it comes down to the artist, and what he/she is going for. After all an artist’s style does play a huge part when it comes to texturing, as well as modeling. I also agree with you that if I had to choose a single one it would be normal maps as well for the same exact reason, more detail with less polys.

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