Assignment#5: Mood board and color palettes

Star Blade



For the mood board, I set it up to reflect the life of a Red Giant Star life. Finishing with a spectacular supernova, and finally into the vacuum of space and darkness. After thinking of what to base the weapon as well as the mood board on this became increasingly less difficult to put together. With all components of the weapon each representing a different “stage” in the stars life, the blade became the life phase full of vibrant colors, and what I was going for on the the little painting on the blade, is that it would be an animated flow of yellow and orange, constantly fluxing. The gems would serve to be the short phase of the supernova, although the colors of supernovas vary depending on how large the star was, and how much helium it consumed before it collapsed in on it self, I simply went with a small amount of white, slowly reaching into a deep purple. And afterwards, the metal would represent where the once mighty star would lie in emptiness forever, so I went with black, seemed like an obvious choice there. Anyways, that was what I was thinking as I was putting this together.

Kody Sokalski

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