Assignment#5: Mood board and color palettes



I recently re-watched ‘The Amazing Spider-man’, and took the idea of how strong the webbing is, and how it could be used in design of a shield. The Black Widow spider is also seen as a very deadly spider, and most people know of/have heard of the spider. The spider is almost a symbol of death, and I believe that the colors have a strong indication of that. So they are applied to this shield, with the inner parts of the shield actually created out of the silk that a spider produces. Though not so much in the usually “web” format, but in strong multiple strands. If you’ve seen ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ you’ll understand entirely.


If you haven’t…do so, it’s Amazing!


Also, I’ve heard(through the grapevine) that spider silk is incredibly strong,  and if only we could harvest it, like milk in cows, that it would be an incredibly strong material, able to used in armors/weapons. At least that’s what I’ve heard, somewhere…

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