Case Study #5

Normal Map: 

Cavity Map: 

Ambient Occlusion Map: 

Q1: These techniques should be considered in all steps. They literally take place after you are finished modeling and unwrapping the object. Creating these detail maps are usually paralleled with the production of the diffuse and specular maps. It is vital to take each one into consideration when creating them as a set.

Q2: Depending on what type of work you are involved in these techniques could each be more effective over one another. Normal maps are mostly used in the “higher resolution” titles. Though cavity maps are not too advanced, they are only extensively used in well lit “next-gen” games. Ambient occlusion is useful in a scenario where real world lighting is not emulated. The shadows produced are usually acceptable but they are not dynamic. All these techniques are excellent when commanded skillfully.

Q3: Once you become familiar with one of these techniques or all of them, you are able to create more detailed assets that use less of the “budget”. With this experience and optimization comes speed. Like anything else, the more you know about all the techniques and shortcuts, you can make the best decisions on what technique to use and how to employ it.