Assignment 4: Warrior Armor


The unwrapping process is tedious, and can get frustrating. Best taken in spurts, instead all at once, especially when just getting started in the process. Overall the entire ordeal was eye opening, and intrigues me about how more organic models are tackled. Also what other tools and tidbits I’ll be able to learn and master to understand the process better.

For the UV template, I tried to have each piece be recognizable, and found out that that wasn’t always as easy as it sounds. Fitting each piece wasn’t incredibly hard, since we aren’t texturing the armor, but I feel that if we were that many things would change depending on how I wanted certain objects too look. I stacked as many alike objects as possible, instead of when I did think that if I were too texture the armor that it all wouldn’t be entirely identical, as some alike pieces are next to each other. I also kept parts of an area in the same vicinity, so that even if parts went connected that they would still ‘live’ in the same area.



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