Case Study#3: Your face is a UV Shell!!


Question#1:  What was their method of unwrapping?  What steps were taken and why?

Basically he took the hand he was unwrapping and cut the palm of the hand out  and then slit it down the side and unfolded the palm of the hand so it would be flat. Then you could repeat the processes on the fingers and thumbs till u have each part layed out and easier to texture.

Question#2:  From what you saw in their tutorial, was there anything from their technique that you found interesting or unusual?  Why?

I found it interesting that somthing as coplex as a hand could be unfolded so easyly and quickly. Eben tho it might not be the best way but its a great start and its really easy to understand.

Question#3:  Knowing what you know now, and seeing others working on the same material you are, what are your expectations or feelings on the matters of unwrapping

I think i have a ok grasp on unwrapping now and its pretty fun to do only thing i need to do better is filling up my uv space but other then that i cant wait to try some hard things and learn more.

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