Case Study #2

Question#1:  What was the most impressive or surprising thing you saw in their design process and why?

To me, seeing how they designed Azmodan’s profile and “story points”. There were seemingly endless iterations of that they thought Azmodan should represent. I would like t focus on the subject of his close up scenes. They discussed the many elements that were added and/or subtracted from his composition and how they ultimately formed the Lord of Sin, the Prime-evil. When they detail the layers of effects the considered/executed on his face close-ups I was astounded at the level of detail and the care for their “realism”. The experimentation with lave drool and in incorporation of the heat distortion are what really inspired me to discuss this point.

Question#2:  As an artist, what would be something that you can take from this video and add it to your design process and why ?

I am a creative person, yet I tend to allow myself to become attached to a piece of work. I have improved greatly but still need improvement. This leads me to the theory of iteration. I do practice iteration, however it is small. I see my iterations tend to be too similar or too different. I guess it is something learned with experience. The examples they gave were probably the minority, however they were definitely quality examples of acceptable iteration. This inspires me to improve my theory of iteration so that I may be able to broaden my capabilities with creating unique content.

Question#3:  What was something that you didn’t understand or don’t think would help you in your ways as an artist and why?  Make an example.

I found that everything encompassed in the panel is helpful. Even if you choose not to implement the exact practices, it is always smart to at least keep them in mind or at least borrow the thought processes and theories encompassed in the technique.

One response to “Case Study #2

  1. I was blown away with the entire Azmodan section of the video as well. I do have to say the way they got him to bend over for the cinematic was awesome. But the man has a point, we are allowed to cheat reality. And then as you mentioned the drool experimentation was awesome, gives you an idea of how quickly things can change.

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