Case Study#2: If its good for Blizzard…’s good for me!

Question#1:  What was the most impressive or surprising thing you saw in their design process and why?

Answer #1: what i saw was the amount of detail they put in to each of there demonic characters, mostly it was the lighting because of some of the shadow they tweet to get the shadows to hit it in just the right angle to make it more life like was to me mind blowing  

 Question #2: As an artist, what would be something that you could take from this video and add it to your design process and why?

Answer #2: well i took the entire video and download it and some others. so that i can understand it more. the lighting and the texturing effects so i can learn more to get that realistic pop out of my textures. 

Question #3: What was something that you didn’t understand or don’t think that would help you in your ways as an artist and why? Make an example.

Answer #3: sometimes i wished that they went more into the programs they used and show some of the tweaks to give people like me more of an understanding, but that’s just wishful thinking and would give away there secrets, but i am tempted to find and email some of the texture lighting crew of diablo 3 and ask them questions and tips

Case Study#2: If its good for Blizzard…’s good for me!

Question#1:  What was the most impressive or surprising thing you saw in their design process and why?

Whats really surprising is how well the whole process was put together using great Team work and effective communication. What i really liked about this video is the Design process itself, right now I’m currently looking at it again and i think his name is spelled Shin I’m not sure but i love how he goes into detail about the 3d images. I love it!

Question#2:  As an artist, what would be something that you can take from this video and add it to your design process and why ?

As an artist there are two things that i would like to take from this video.

1.) learning how to effectively use leadership to make a Fantastic product

2.) learning how to manipulate 2d images into 3d images as well as they did in the video.

Question#3:  What was something that you didn’t understand or don’t think would help you in your ways as an artist and why?  Make an example.

Everything in the video is something that can and will be used after i become a full fledged artist. one quote that makes me want to be better than these guys is what  Jim said at 0:36:36. He said we make impossible creatures so we can do impossible things. That in itself makes me want to become better at what i am to do. Overall the video was nicely made and very informative.